Saturday, June 4, 2011

Short analysis of Saudi Pseudo-Intellectuals

Short analysis of Saudi Pseudo-Intellectuals

It is strange that the Saudi self-styled women rights pseudo-intellectuals with dubious credentials can't even understand what they are asking for. Pseudo-intellectuals are trying to act and speak as if they are cultured, intelligent and understand everything about everything, usually using western words and phrases that are not familiar to local Saudis. The finest examples of pseudo-intellectuals are Wajiha al Huwaider , Eman Fahd M. Al-Nafjan and their types.
try and spot them; it’s easy. Firstly they are dressed in a weird way and walk around with a crafted intelligent expression that, to the untrained eye, makes them look weird and eccentric but, in their eyes, they are intelligence personified. The good news is that you can expose them quite easily. When you see such a person staring intently at a totally irrelevant piece of art just stand next to them and ask the simple question: “What does it say to you?”

In their mind they will immediately start up the bullshit generator, searching out phrases that they have remembered to express their supposedly intellectual opinions. You will hear something like: “Saudi women are under oppression, not free, subdued, enslaved, concubines, not letting us drive bicycles topless on the streets of Riyadh, Jeddah or Alkhobar........”

Pretend to be thick yet fascinated by their stupidity – and they simply get worse. For example, they will start to quote Western philosophers in support of their stupidity. I’ve had arguments with these people on a couple of occasions. Everyone will come across someone like this at some point in their lives. A lot of women are guilty of this, and don't even get me started about sexism. Saudi women do it because they think men will stereotype them as stupid if they don't talk about politics or some other such boring topic that nobody really gives a damn about it, but if so many of them weren't brought up with this super-model mentality, then maybe they'd give a rats ass about something outside of their microcosmic universe and stop buying into all the latest clothing trends.

So beware the pseudo-intellectual folks. Beware the person who uses a hundred words when one will do. Beware the person who criticizes sane judgments, norms, customs, culture and values. Beware the buffoon who tries to quote Socrates or Aristotle to you. Beware the person who chuckles when standing in front of a pile of cat’s puke on a canvas and says “You simply don’t get it because you simply can’t grasp the concept of retro-physical potential in an academic vacuum that procreates despondency while at the same time expanding personal karma in a futuristic yet nihilistic orgy of barbaric crescendo.” 

The majority of pseudo-intellectuals, the mainstream media, the masonic academic world, and many feminists, in the name of respecting other cultures and religions, were trying to justify their distorted understanding of Islam by dividing it into fundamentalist and moderate, progressive and reactionary, Medina's and Mecca's, folksy and non-folksy, poisonous and edible. It is suffocating to listen to and to have to refute endless tales to justify this distortions, smear campaign and misogyny. Parallel to this pseudo-Intellectual carnage, apologists for Freedom or Women Rights try to divert people's righteous loathing for Islam and for the political Islamic movement, to limit it to a hatred of fundamentalism'. They attempt to reduce the anti-Islamic struggle to anti-fundamentalism. They keep telling us that what we loathe is fundamentalism, not the 'true', the 'real' Islam. They pledge 'reform in Islam' and the application of a 'positive interpretation of the Quran' to women's rights by linguistic turn ? They raise the idea of Islamic feminism and try to attach a human face to the monstrous face of Islam against women. The rights of freedom of expression, equality of men and women, and a secular state apply to people in the 'Third World' too. Isn't it shameful that these Saudi Liberals, Secularists, Women Rights advocates don't argue about it.

Are the maids from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Ethopia, Egypt, Morocco, Yemen less human than the Saudi Women ? Where are the rights for these female workers ? Why don't the hypocrites like Zaki Safar or is it unZaki Sifar who has "a passion for women's rights & an aversion 2 corruption & religious extremism, I dream of & work toward a brighter future for my country (Saudi Arabia)" standup for the rights of maids tortured by Saudis ?

It is obvious that these Saudi Pseudo-intellectual are not sincere rather they are sycophants, showoffs, and shameless braggers.

Here are some reports on which Pseudo-Intellectuals like Eman Fahd M. Al Nafjan, AbulKhair and unZaki Sifar can work on.

Report 0:
(Saudi) Woman Tortured, Killed Maid for Being ‘Lazy’
Ali Huwash, Arab News —
JIZAN, 8 June 2007 — A woman schoolteacher, one of the suspects in the murder of an Asian housemaid in March, has admitted to her (sic) torturing the maid until she was dead.
The Saudi sponsor of the maid who took her to (sic) hospital and the sponsor’s schoolteacher wife were both arrested in Jizan in March following a hospital report about the death of the maid, whose nationality has not been revealed to the press.
According to the report of the Samita General Hospital in Jizan, a Saudi man brought in an expatriate woman who died shortly after she was admitted. The hospital report attributed the death to internal and external injuries.
The teacher told the investigators that she and her husband used to punish the maid in various forms such as beating, branding and locking up while denying her food and water for days on end.
The teacher said they resorted to crude methods of punishment because the maid was lazy and negligent in her work. The teacher said they had every right to make the maid work because they had spent a lot of money to bring her from her native country.
The confessions were recorded in the court in line with the normal procedures, according to police sources. The coroner who examined the body had found serious wounds and burns. The investigations were conducted under the supervision of Brig. Obaid Al-Khomash, assistant director of Jizan police.
The officer said the investigations have been completed and the suspect, who is an employee of the general education department in Jizan, will remain in a local general prison until the trial begins.
The embassy of the maid’s county has been (sic) taken steps to guarantee that the culprit does not go unpunished. The relatives of the suspects have been in touch with the embassy officials and the relatives of the deceased to settle the matter with the payment of blood money.

Didi Wahyudi, chief of the citizen service and protection task force at the Indonesian Consulate in Jeddah, said on Wednesday police in Madinah have yet to react to a complaint against a Saudi employer accused of torturing 23-year-old Indonesian maid Sumiati binti Salan Mustapa.
Wahyudi told Arab News via phone from Madinah that the housemaid was undergoing intensive treatment, including surgery, to ensure restoration of her battered organs, lips, nose and limbs.
The housemaid was hospitalized at King Fahd Hospital in Madinah on Nov. 8 with burns, cuts to her face made with scissors and a fractured finger. “ The case has made headlines in Indonesia after President Yudhoyono himself instructed the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to look into the matter seriously and send a diplomatic mission, including health officials, to Madinah,” said Wahyudi, who said police aren't likely to take action, if any, until after the Eid holiday.

JEDDAH: An Indonesian housemaid has been hospitalized with severe injuries, allegedly inflicted by her employer and his wife. “My sponsor struck me with an electric wire and then burned various parts of my body and broke my front teeth,” Naser Al-Dandani, an attorney at the Indonesian Embassy, quoted the maid, whose name was not revealed, as saying in a statement. She is currently in the Riyadh Medical Complex hospital. The maid, 20, working in the house of a Civil Defense officer in Riyadh, was hospitalized three weeks ago, Al-Dandani said. According to a medical report prepared by the hospital, the maid was semi-conscious and had sustained burns of varying degrees on her genitals and back. When she was brought to the hospital by the Red Crescent, according to the attorney, she had broken teeth and a bleeding mouth and black marks on her face and around her eyes. The Red Crescent was notified about the woman by members of the public who found her lying on the road.
“This is the 16th case of abuse of housemaids registered at the Indonesian Embassy this year. Some of them were victims of rape and consequently illegitimate pregnancy,” the attorney told Arab News.
“The sponsor, who visited the embassy yesterday morning, denied all charges made by the maid against him and his wife. He said he did not know how she received physical injuries and they had never ill-treated her. The maid, on the contrary, insisted that the sponsor and his wife struck her and they had not paid her salary for the 19 months and 14 days she worked for them,” the attorney said.
Regarding the role of the embassy in such cases, the attorney said: “In issues of ill treatment of maids, the embassy takes the necessary steps to protect the victim from violence, including legal measures.”
The maid said in her statement to the embassy that she was tortured because she did not know the specific needs of Saudi families. She said she had received training in Saudi domestic work before she traveled to the Kingdom 20 months ago, the attorney added.

RIYADH: Doctors in Sri Lanka have found 23 nails in the body of a tortured housemaid who returned to Colombo from Riyadh, Sri Lankan Embassy sources told Arab News on Tuesday.

“We have received this complaint from the Foreign Ministry in Colombo, who said the maid has been allegedly tortured by her sponsor,” a senior diplomat from the Sri Lankan mission in Riyadh told Arab News. “We are looking for the sponsor. We were able to track down the Saudi recruitment agent in Riyadh and we will summon the sponsor to discuss this issue,” the official said.
Doctors at the Kamburipitya Base Hospital in the Matara district, 140 km from Colombo, said the nails had been hammered into the maid’s body. Dr. Kamal Weeratunge, who was treating the maid, claimed the nails had been heated up before they punctured her skin.
On Sri Lankan television channel Newsfirst Sirasa, the maid showed the marks where the nails had gone through. The maid, identified as 50-year-old Ariyawathie, said that there were too many people to serve in the house where she worked.
“I had to work continuously since I had to do the chores of all the occupants and when I wanted to take rest due to tiredness, they inserted the nail in my body as a punishment,” she said.
“I had to work from dawn to dusk. I hardly slept. They beat me and threatened to kill me and hide my body.” She added that she arranged her travel documents to return home on her own expense. “They were really devils with no mercy at all,” she said.
According to records at the Sri Lankan Embassy, the maid came to the Kingdom on March 25. The diplomat said that the sponsor had bypassed the mission and made his own arrangements to send the woman home. “We can only deal with cases that come up before the mission,” he said. However, he added that the mission would take action following the complaint submitted to the embassy from Colombo.
The maid had come to Saudi Arabia after being registered at the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE). SLBFE chairman Kingsley Ranawake said that a formal inquiry would be held with the concerned maid and appropriate action taken.

The truth should be spoken. These pseudo-intellectuals created a tide of shallow culture, painting a false picture that lacked depth, insight or truthfulness. This self-centered mentality in which everything should revolve around the guilt of Saudi pseudo-intellectuals is appalling. Saudi Pseudo intellectuals are so shameless that they did not bother to utter any word of criticism or equality rights for women who come and work in Saudi Arabia. Their sympathy for the so-called "oppressed" Saudi Women is only a facade and  hypocrisy held them back from shedding a single drop of tears for the bereaved families of tortured, raped, murdered, Maids. These Saudi Pseudo-Intellectuals are only good to fill the hollow space with hatred, twisted darkness, and gross  miscarriage of common judgment.

Saudi Analyst
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


  1. This is pretty much one of the stupidest articles I've read in a while. Fighting for every just cause there is, is not a requirement for fighting for one. Also, the first time I knew about a movement to enhance the conditions of expats working in low paying jobs in Saudi Arabia, was through Zaki Safar.

  2. Zaki Safar , are you trying to impress only rich saudi women ? if you are really honest and sincere a WOMAN is WOMAN regardless of faith, religion, color.... Injustice is injustice regardless of gender, religion, age, color.

    But it seems you only want to impress few rich saudi women. nice try zaki sifar . hope you are not a womanizer....

  3. it's not you who decide what people should fight for, Zaki Safar chose his path and chose the cases he fights for and he's totally free to do so. And if you are really concerned about those maids, why don't "you" start fighting for it instead of just talking.

  4. This is superb blog. Many Saudis are racists with double standards... I am very glad to this blog ....people educating others on this.... Keep up the good work.

  5. Salam,

    Could you please provide an email?
    Doesn't have to be your regular one.
    Just want to communicate please.


  6. Yes , you may contact me at saudianalyst007 @

    Saudi Analyst

  7. Eman Nafjan is dysfunctional and deranged bedouin lady. She is doing Ph.D in English Literature at King Saud University and she gets pretty horny
